What would happen if you took the default image for every Mac wallpaper from Cheetah to Catalina, and combined them into a single image? The above, is what…

I’m a Brit, so not prone to using a word beloved of many Americans, but I think this may be officially awesome.

iOS theme developer Jenny Vanille chose Xmas day to tweet her work, so not many noticed it, but TNW spotted it today.

Vanille thinks no-one will ever use it.

I can already prove her wrong.

If you want to use it as your own Mac wallpaper, you can download a 5K version here. While you’re there, you can also grab every iOS wallpaper in one image, as well as all the iPhone 11 wallpapers combined.

TNW doesn’t show every Mac wallpaper used but does provide an overview of the various generations to give a feel for how they’ve evolved over the years. As well as fantasizing about what I agree would be the best job in the world.

I suspect the reality is more like sitting at a desk searching photography sites for images offering exclusive rights for sale …

Which is your favorite default Mac wallpaper? And what do you think of this one? Let us know in the comments.