Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot gives players a chance to relive their Dragon Ball Z fantasy. The game gives players a chance to relive the story of Goku and other Z fighters. The game plays through the first arc of the series and includes a few of the sub-stories of the series. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot gives players exactly what any Dragon Ball Z player would ask for: planet-destroying battles blended with RPG elements.
One of the other amazing things the game provides to players is a chance to earn secret trophies and achievements. Nothing is more satisfying than receiving that every elusive Platinum trophy and, in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, getting the Platinum trophy can be done with ease. So long as players do not quit the game partway through, every trophy can be easily achieved.
Knowing what the secret trophies are can be half the battle. Although the Playstation 4 shows exactly how to get secret trophies, some of the other systems and platforms do not provide players with a direction to achieving a game’s secret trophies. This can leave players to flounder while searching for their purpose.
Secret Trophies of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
But there is no need to throw a controller, finding the secret trophies are a little easier than expected. Here, we describe what each secret achievement is and how to go about getting them. Hopefully, this will make finding the secret trophies and achievements easier for players.
- A Dark Omen - Defeat your first Villainous Party Bye-Bye, Buu - Complete the Majin Buu Saga Demolition Artist - Destroy 10 boulders blocking caves Down with the Demon Realm! - Win the battle against Mira Earth’s New Champion - Complete the Cell Saga Emperor No More - Complete the Frieza Saga Evil All Around - Defeat 20 Villainous Parties Excavator - Destroy a boulder blocking a cave Flashy Finish - Win a battle with a Super Finish Former Foe - Win the simulation battle against Piccolo Purging the Plague - Defeat 30 Villainous parties Tough Enough - Complete a Level 10 challenge in the Training Room Worse for Wear - Complete the Saiyan Saga
Most of the secret trophies are received through basic gameplay, which makes sense. When a game is created, most of the time the achievement list is released before the game itself. In order to keep the plot secret, it is a smart move for creators to use the secret trophy function to keep the overall story under wraps. This also helps with players who are unable to see how the secret trophies are achieved. However, there are a few achievements that can be a little tougher to get than others.
Secret trophies and achievements are not the only things hiding in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot either. There are also secret boss battles and bunches of Dragon Ball Z Easter Eggs hiding throughout the game. There are also additional things that players can do once the game is complete. Be sure to keep an eye open for any secrets that are hidden throughout the game!
More: Dragonball Z Kakarot: Where to Find the 7 Dragon Balls
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is now available on Playstation, Xbox, and PC.